Tips to Have the Best Outdoor Sex Experience
Tips to Have the Best Outdoor Sex Experience

Jun 2023The temperature is rising which means it’s time to be outside and with warmer weather our desire for some heat increases which may make you want to get a bit frisky outdoors, but how can you best enjoy some outdoor sexy fun? There are lots of things to consider before an outdoor sex experience and if you are new to it, you might not know where to begin so here is a checklist of things to consider, prepare, and have on hand so that your outdoor sex experience is pleasurable for you and your partner(s).
The where of outdoor sexual activity is extremely important, because just having sex in public spaces is illegal, but obviously, there are still ways to enjoy sexual activity outdoors. One of the easiest ways to enjoy an outdoor sexual experience is by going on a camping trip. Now don’t fret at the mention of camping, you don’t have to absolutely rough it. Glamping is an option under the camping umbrella if you’re not that much of an outdoorsy person. But camping is your safest bet, because typically you are already in a secluded area, away from others, and there is some form of coverage or housing (be it a tent or a camper or something of that nature). So, you can have the pleasure of the outdoors without necessarily being clear under the starry night sky.
If camping is not your jam, hiking trips are also possible, but this requires more research on your part. You are going to want to choose less populated trails or trails that have areas that you can easily diverge off into and have some coverage, be it from a boulder or large bushes and trees. You want to be far enough off the path that there is little to no chance of someone walking by while doing their hike, but not so far off that you can’t find your way back to the trail when it is all said and done.
A great tip for finding a location is scouting it ahead of time. If you have already planned a date for a future weekend to go enjoy the great outdoors with a partner, plan a trip beforehand so you can see where you can go off-trail or set up camp. You can drop a pin in Google or Apple Maps, so you remember where it is and access it again.
Now the “when” of getting down on the outside can be a little tricky. Obviously, nighttime is a better option for most people, because you have the cover of night, but that really only works for a camping trip. I would not recommend going on a hike at nighttime if you aren’t already a hiker. You are going to want to avoid busy times for outdoor activities, like holidays and the start/end of the warm weather season. Everyone ventures outdoors at these times so finding something secluded and private becomes harder and increases your chances of being seen by others.
It is important to remember that sex is not just penetrative activity, so broadening your definition makes it so that your outdoor sex experience can include a lot. Engaging in an easier more accessible sexual activity like digital or manual stimulation is a lower-risk activity and less involved activity than penetrative genital partner play.
When deciding on the activity you all want to engage in you will also want to think about the position of the activity. If you are out in the wild, penetrative play may be harder if you are in an area where the only thing around is a rocky, sandy area you probably won’t want to drop to all fours for some doggy style. But if there was a large boulder with a nice grass patch behind it you can more comfortably do doggy style or a seated position with some coverage from a possible passerby.
Safety Measures
Now that you are out in the wild there are some safety things to consider of course. Your usual safer sex materials should be on hand, things like travel-sized lube, condoms, and wearing Lorals make safer sex in the wild much easier. But that is not where safety stops, because the outdoors adds some additional components you will want to be prepared for:
- Mosquitos: you may enjoy being bitten by your partner, but probably not so much by mosquitos, so keep bug spray with you so that you can keep the bugs away.
- Blankets: having something soft to be on drastically impacts the sexual experience, your backside will thank you and so will your clothes.
- Bear Spray: if you are camping in an area with bears and you are not an outdoorsy person be sure to have all the recommended materials to prevent any instances with animals like bears, mountain lions, etc.
- Fire Safety: everyone looks sexy by fireside, but as Smokey the bear would say “Only you can prevent forest fires,” so ensuring you have everything you need to have a fire in the wilderness safely is extremely important.
Now it may seem overwhelming to think about so many moving pieces when trying to have sex outdoors, but it is critical if you don’t want to get caught, by strangers or officials. Whatever you choose to do enjoy your sexy time outside and don’t forget your sunscreen.